Our Services



Consultation With Debz

$45 – 45 minutes
Your first appointment will begin with a private complimentary consultation and a 15 minute stand alone electrolysis treatment. You will be required to fill out a Health History Assessment and sign a treatment release form. I will explain the process of electrolysis and answer any questions you may have. After this discussion, we will begin your treatment. You are welcome to book up to an hour for your first appointment.



There are three modalities (methods) of electrolysis. Galvanic uses a chemical process, Thermolysis uses heat and Blend uses a blend of galvanic and thermolysis. Although I have the ability to use all modalities, I primarily use BLEND which is to be the “Gold Standard” in terms of permanent hair removal.

Electroloysis Upper Lip.jfif


15 minutes | $55

30 minutes | $75

45 minutes | $100

60 minutes | $125

Add On Services:

15 Minutes | $45 - Epicutis Lipid Recovery Mask with or without the Celluma LED Light.

Payment Methods

I currently accept all major credit cards, venmo, cash app, cash and checks written to Deborth Haziz,. A $50 fee will be collected for all NSF to be paid at the following appointment.


Scheduling is by appointment only. By scheduling your appointment you agree to the cancellation policy conditions.

Face and Body Electrotherapy


AKA "The Korean Non-Surgical Facelift"

Sculplla Filler Facial Treatment

Sculplla+H2 is the first non-injectable formulation of Poly-L-lactic acid (the same stuff in the injectable Sculptra!) The serum includes other anti-aging favorites like caffeine, niacinamide, & EFG peptides.

 Pain Free & Needle Free Reduces fine lines & wrinkles

Tightens & lifts the skin

Stimulates collagen growth

Improves skin tone - Long lasting

Sculplla+H2 is a safe, non-injection treatment that stimulates your skin to make its own collagen, giving you firmer, tighter, smoother skin. Collagen stimulation continues for 3 weeks after a single treatment. The effects of one Sculplla treatment can last for up to 5 weeks and a series of 3-5 treatments (done a week apart) will give results that can last for up to 6-9 months.

1 treatment | $260
3 treatments | $705 (you save $75)
5 treatments | $1,100 (you save $200)

Sculplla retails a stem cell mist that must be applied 1-2x a daily, retailing @ $90.00 a 4 oz bottle.

5 Things to know about Sculplla

Sculplla Treatments Are Not a Quick Fix

While you can (and often will) see results after the first treatment, the mask takes time to build up in the hair follicles of your face. The results are cumulative. Each time you get a treatment more is deposited into the follicle to stimulate your face to make more collagen. I usually suggest 5 treatments for clients over the age of 40, one per week; however, three is a good start.

What You Do After Your Treatment Matters

This is the only time I tell my clients they are allowed to NOT get skin wet for 24 hours following the Sculplla Facial Filler Mask treatment! Do NOT exfoliate or rub roughly with washcloth for 3 days. This will allow the ingredients to continue penetrating the follicles.

Take Before and After Pictures

You see your face every day so it’s hard to see the gradual changes. It’s imperative to take good before and afters as we don’t see changes that happen. No make up, bright light. Remember, these are for your eyes only.

The PLLA in SculPPLA is a BIG Deal

It’s Ploly – L – Lactic Acid and SculPPLA is used to drive Poly L Lactic Acid (which is the exact same stuff you’ll find in the filler Sculptra), as well as a blend of anti-aging favorites like caffeine and niacinamide into the top layer of your skin to plump wrinkles.

Sculplla Has a Sister Named CaviPLLA

Well, sort of.  I like to think of CapiPLLA as a sister product because the same maker of Sculppla made CaviPLLA. Caviar + PLLA + 02 = CaviPLLA. It’s a new hydrating serum (which feels more like a cream) that helps with the build up process when you’re getting SculPPLA treatments. The Koreans love Caviar for the skin. They’re so smart and so advanced in the area of skincare.

Galvanic Skin Treatment

A galvanic skin treatment is a 15-30 minute muscle stimulation treatment that uses low-level electrical currents to rejuvenate the facial features and oxygenate the skin. It entails applying two electrodes (positive and negative) to the surface. The positive current helps to push skincare products deeper into the skin, enhancing their effectiveness. Meanwhile, the negative current removes toxins and impurities through deep cleansing, reducing pore appearances.

This treatment is also available as an add-on if paired with electrolysis service.


  • Acne Management: Reduces active acne and future breakouts

  • Anti-Aging: Minimizing the appearance of fine lines wrinkles and rough texture, increase collagen synthesis and cellular renewal

  • Barrier Repair: Galvanic treatments can aid in reversing the damaging effects of transepidermal water loss, while also soothing and calming irritated skin

  • Skin Glow Boosting: Revitalize dull skin, and will even reduce the appearance of dark spotsthis treatment with me shortly after your Electrolysis treatment sessions. My electrolysis equipment has these amazing treatment modalities for your skin. It is considered safe and non-invasive, but it’s essential to have it done by a professional to avoid unwanted side effects.

Ideal Candidates and Contraindications - Who is Galvanic Suitable For?

Galvanic technology has numerous advantages for treating a variety of conditions and concerns, and can be a good choice for just about all skin types.

That said, it’s important to note that there are a few instances in which it is not recommended. Galvanic current is not appropriate during pregnancy, for those with epilepsy, diabetes, or a heart condition. Nor should it be used on anyone who has braces, major dental work, or other metal in their body such as metal implants, body piercings, or a pacemaker or circulatory issues. None of these means you can’t have a galvanic treatment, but it might have to be adapted to suit you.

If you’ve had fillers or Botox, it is also advisable to wait at least 48 hours before booking a galvanic treatment.

Galvanic Electrode Facial

This 30-minute treatment will recontour the shape of the face to minimize fine lines and wrinkles and increase radiance. This treatment is done with a mask.

30 Minute Treatment | $85

Add On: If paired with Electrolysis (only) - $65


The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) is a titanium-lined wellness bed that combines Quantum Bio-field Antenna Technology, Bio Beneficial Microcurrent, Far-Infrared Heat Therapy, Biophotons, and Sound Frequencies.

It's charged titanium plate creates a powerful standing quantum field that extends to two feet in all directions. Laying on the bed in the quantum field, gives your body an opportunity to absorb light particles – biophotons – directly into your body that the bed emits.

The bio beneficial micro-current can help increase the voltage of your cells, increasing circulation and promoting cellular healing, while the sound frequencies help deepen your experience on the QEWB.

The far-infrared warms and opens up your body, allowing you to receive more during the session.

Using these modulates, the QEWB supports your body in reaching optimum wellness.

The Human body is vastly intelligent and more than capable of repairing and maintaining itself. All the body needs are the right sources.

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) was design to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of Heat, Sound, Micro Current and Quantum Energy, assisting the body to reach total body wellness.

The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, stimulating the effects of many days spent in a forest through a 60 minute session on the bed.

The Technology behind the QEWB

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed is the only modality to combine Quantum bio-field antenna technology, bio beneficial micro-current, far-infrared heat therapy, biophotons, and sound frequencies. Together, these synergistic modalities generate a standing quantum field as well as biophotons - light particles that the body can absorb.

Far Infrared Heat

The QEWB generates far infrared thermal heat. The heat penetrates the surface of the skin, gently elevating the body’s surface temperature to 107.6F/42C and above.

Far infrared heat can help promote blood circulation, detoxification and lymphatic cleansing, relief from discomfort and soreness, and deep relaxation.


Built-in speakers emit sound waves through the bed’s plating, amplifying the effects of the QEWB and facilitating a powerful sound healing journey.

What is Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy?

Vibroacoustics-from vibro-to vibrate-and acoustics- - -to hear-is an innovative technology in which music and/or sound vibrations are felt as wells as heard.

Vibroacoustic therapy is a treatment that combines sound therapy and vibration therapy for therapeutic purposes. It is used to provide healing benefits for a wide array of mental and physical conditions.

A range of Vibroacoustic sound healing frequencies (20-120 Hz) are incorporated into the experience, but others can be used upon request.


The QEWB utilizes microcurrent stimulation, an electrotherapy that has been proven to increase circulation, promote cellular healing, and reduce discomfort and soreness.

It could also increase the voltage of your cells. To learn more about how Voltage plays a part in how our body and cells function, listen to this podcast.

Quantum Energy Wellness Bed

30 Min Session | $65

60 Min Session | $100

ADULT - Quantum Distance (Sound Bath) Healing Session (Live Audio)

60 Min Session | $65

Children (13 Years and Under) - Quantum Distance (Sound Bath) Healing Session (Live Audio)

30 Min Session | $50

***Please note scheduling is in Eastern Standard Time*** check the time zones go to https://time.is/ Quantum Distance (Sound Bath) Healing sessions are sound therapy frequencies that includes a variety of Hz frequencies for all Chakras. Everything we experience in Life is Energy manifesting at various frequencies. These frequencies of energy we are able to perceive clearly or unclearly.

This service works beyond the time/space limits of the 3rd dimension, yet similar to a cell phone connection. This service is a “Treatment” and not claimed to be a “cure” although some have experienced that. This service is not intended to replace traditional Medical Therapies.

QEWB uses bio-light storage to increase cellular voltage, making your body more resistant to infections, cell reset to optimum voltage, eliminating the host for the virus to live. Clients will require 30 minutes to one hour sessions, five days a week for three to four (3-4) weeks to reach optimal cellular voltage.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the QEWB - Call Debz at (910) 239-2968


To keep your balance, you must keep moving!